Murkwater Expedition Maps
As a GM and designer, I love it when my players really engage with the campaign world. Some players just turn up and expect to be entertained; others get stuck in.

As a GM and designer, I love it when my players really engage with the campaign world. Some players just turn up and expect to be entertained; others get stuck in.
One of the players in my Dark Adventures campaign has been making expedition maps–maps drawn by his character (Hell'en Starag) as they explore the Murkwater's outer reaches. Think of them as an Adventurer's Field Notes. They are beautiful, and way better than anything I could do.
Rather marvellously, he's agreed to let me share them here. Behold:

These maps pertain to the following sessions:
015: Into the Gloaming
After two weeks of rest and recuperation during which several of the heroes busied themselves with personal tasks, the party reunited. The lust for adventure burnt brightly in their chests, and tomorrow the tides would be right for a trip into Gloamhold.

016: Treachery in the Gloom
At Artur’s appearance, confusion reigned among the men menacing Laina. However, one man–a tall, burly balding red-bearded warrior–called upon his companions to calm down.

017: Murderous Seaweed
The seaweed monster struck. Missing, Dennan it pummelled poor Horsa. So vicious and powerful was the blow that Horsa collapsed into the boat.

018: Balls of Death
With Luther across the knotted rope an advanced guard followed him. In short order, Colzo and Grand Silvertongue were across the river and investigating the corridor leading eastwards.

Grab a copy of the map and read along.
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