Dark Adventures on a Break

The heroes’ first longish foray into Gloamhold is complete, and the remnants of the group have returned to Languard to rest, recuperate and reflect on their experiences.
Thus, we will leave them for a while. The chaps are keen to try out some high-level 5e play. I’m not wildly keen on high-level games myself, but I’m happy to run them through a quick dungeon to see what’s what.
To that end, I’ve picked one of the levels of Undermountain from Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and the chaps have made 15th-level characters.
I don’t know what the plans are yet after this quick dungeon, but fear not I have many other session summaries I need to post up here. (Maybe a change of pace with some Call of Cthulhu). Dark Adventures is not my first campaign in Ashlar—it’s my fourth, and I have yet to transition the session summaries to this site. While we try high-level play, and whatever we do after that, I’ll post up these session summaries for your enjoyment.
I find writing session summaries incredibly rewarding. Not only does the process help me remember what actually happened, but it’s also a handy record of the events (obviously). Sometimes, we go back and reference events, NPCs or discoveries from many sessions ago—and the summaries are a key part of that process. As my Ashlar campaign grows, I’m hoping to start seeing connections and crossovers with the various sub-campaigns.
Session summaries are also fun to read, and at some point I’m probably going to collate them all together into a book for my players. That would be an awesome souvenir of the campaign!
In any event, I hope you have enjoyed the party’s (heroic?) foray into Gloamhold. There are more adventures to come!
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