Daily Design: Notebook #02

At the start of the year, I decided to mix up my notebooks, go crazy and try a slightly different way of working in 2024.

One of the components of my new regime is a Daily Design pocket notebook. Essentially, every day, I start a new page and noodle about with a new design element—an NPC, magic item, dungeon location or whatever. Sometimes, I also go back and add to a previous day’s page.
A few days ago, I finished my first Daily Design notebook and started a new one.

The process of daily design is harder than it sounds. Some days, the ideas flow, and other days, it is like pulling teeth. For all that, though, I have enjoyed the process immensely. Leafing back through the book and refining or adding to ideas has been particularly fun. It’s far more productive and rewarding to noodle about with a couple of designs than an endless scroll through the internet.
My next challenge is to create a list of all the various daily designs somewhere accessible so I can make good use of them in the future.

Growing a bank of design ideas for future projects will be tremendously useful. It’s also great design practice. Design is a metaphorical muscle, and the more I exercise it, the better I should get at it!
How Do You Do It?
How do you exercise your design muscle? Got a tip that will make my daily practice better. Let me know by leaving a comment.
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