026: Putting the Gargoyles to Flight

The heroes advanced southwestwards in the direction of the Dripping Span. A large chamber lay at the end of the wide hallway. Two short flights of steps climbed upwards to the bridge itself. A defaced statue stood between the stairs.
As the party surveyed the scene a creature of living stone--a gargoyle--entered the room from the Dripping Span. It spoke in a grating, rumbling voice in a language no one understood. When it got no response it spoke in broken Common, and demanded a toll.
The heroes paid no tolls! Incensed by this, they attacked. Grand Silvertongue--quicker than his friends--used powerful magic to make the gargoyle flee. Surging forward the party discovered two more of the beasts squatting on the bridge. A barrage of attacks forced the creatures to flee--and they sped away northwards into Gloamhold's dark and illimitable depths.
The jubilant party searched the main room, and a few smaller rooms that gave off it. During the search. Artur discovered a great store of silver and copper coins--tolls paid to the gargoyles--along with two magic potions and two magic scrolls.
Things were looking up--and Dennan was momentarily forgotten as the heroes excitedly counted the coins.
Now lay ahead the Dripping Span, and yet more unexplored passageways. Could Dennan lie this way? Sadly, the party had not asked the gargoyles if they'd seen their lost comrade, or the foul barlgura, so they had no way of knowing if they were on the right track. Undeterred, Luther led the way. Scouting stealthily ahead he found a large, irregularly shaped room festooned with arrow slits looking out over the Murkwater. The skeletal remains of an explorer lay on the floor--his head smashed in.
No danger seemed imminent and so the rest of the party joined the brave ranger. Beyond the room, a network of passageways and a few empty rooms led north and south. In one room, Luther discovered the indistinct tracks of a huge spider--which caused some concern. While he did so, Horsa--cunningly--transferred his consciousness into his bat familiar and watched over Dripping Span. He feared the gargoyles would return and attack the party from behind.
Further explorations revealed an ornate archway to the north--and a wide corridor leading away northwards. Southwards, the questing heroes caught sight of a room choked with huge, dusty spider webs. Judging by the size of the webs, whatever dwelled within was uncommonly large.
As the party debated which direction to explore, Horsa--using his bat's keen senses--noticed the return of the three gargoyles; they had come to wreak revenge on the heroes! Quickly shifting east to counter this new threat, the party rush to battle. While Grand Silvertongue and Luther make use of the arrow slits overlooking the Dripping Span, Artur and Hell'en rushed onto the bridge.
The three gargoyles landed, and a vicious melee broke out. A barrage of arrows and other missiles badly injured one of the foul creatures while in return Artur received a nasty slash to his face...
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